Monday, 12 March 2012

Ancillary task - Poster Evaluation

The initial thing we did when making our poster was the same thing we did with the digipak, we drew it out in pencil, this helped us a lot when it came to designing our poster on Photoshop as we had a rough idea of what we wanted the outcome to look like. When drawing the poster we used the rule of thirds method. This method indicates where the viewer's eye will be drawn to first, it also provides lines of intersecion, this is where we place the imags which we want to appear more prominently. This is our sketch of what we wanted the poster to look like.

As you can see by this picture, we thought the image in the middle was the most important as it is the most similar to the album cover, by making this image the most prominent a clear link can be seen between the album cover and the poster, a technique commonly used by many bands as we discovered through our research.

From the drawing we made our first draft. We went out and took some pictures for the actual poster, we knew what types of pictures we needed for the poster from our draft. We needed pictures that showed the boy and the girl when they were in a relationship, this is so that the poster relates to the narrative of our music video. We then had to make the pictures look they had been screwed up and torn because in our video the girl ends the relationship with the boy and he screws up pictures of them together. This again links the poster back to the video.

When we tried adding more pictures of the couple in the relationship to the poster it made it harder to see the text on the poster. We then came up with the idea of the screwed up paper in the background. This idea made the poster link even more to our music video, it also filled the empty white space in the background.

This is the finished poster, we handed this to the same people that we handed the first draft to and the feedback was a lot more positive. Everyone that said that there was too much empty space said that the screwed up paper effect in the background fills the empty spaces well. As we have used one of the images from the album cover it links well to the album cover, making the album cover more recognisable from the poster. The reason that the middle image isn’t screwed up and the others are is that it makes it look like the boy from the video is sitting in his room screwing up the other photos. Directly relating to the narrative of the video.

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