Thursday, 2 February 2012

Questionnaire analysis

We distributed the questionnaire in the 6th form centre. This was a convenient and efficient way of conducting it as we get differing ages and opinions, it is also important that 6th formers fall in to our target audience. 


 We thought it important to distribute the questionnaire to an equal number of males and females as this gives a more accurate representation on widespread opinion.

Our target audience is Indie so we tried to mainly distribute it to people with indie tastes, in order to get their opinion on the conventions they prefer. However it is important to gather a range of data in order to come up with a widespread and varied opinion. 
This gave us an idea of how interested in music videos our target audience is. This would ensure that the data collect from the later questions would be useful.

A lot more people watch videos on Youtube than music channels or anywhere else this encouraged us to conduct research in to The Coral’s Youtube channel.

As we already know our participants are familiar with a range of videos so we know the results will be useful and effective. This will help us decide what to include in our video, as these where the three most popular and serious answers, it is likely to be a balance of these 3 key ingredients.

This chart was created by comparing answers given to two separate questions on the questionnaire (5 and 6) and will again, as with the above results, sway our decision making regarding the structure of the video

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